Professional Gambler: Chameleon  Professional gamblers are often categorised under one heading. In truth, there are sub categories for each and every sport or game. I once remember hearing about a professional gambler who bet on the weather. I’m not sure if he specialised in betting on White Christmas’, Hurricanes or Tornados but he said he made a profit from his expertise. Personally, I can’t imagine he placed many bets.

To be a good gambler within skill-based sport (you can’t beat fixed odds) you need to be something of a chameleon.

What I mean by chameleon is someone who is in tune with their subject matter. A true reflection of the answer to the question. If the answer is fluorescent tangerine with green spots, guess what, the chameleon changes to match.

In fact, the chameleon can change to any colour.

The Chameleon Professional Gambler is successful because they don’t impose their thoughts, ideas or wishes on a given subject. They don’t bet because they like to bet. They bet because not only is it the right decision but they do so for all the right reasons. They also take advantage of opportunities that tip things in their favour such as a Betfred £50 free bet offer here, or a bet boost there.

A successful gambler watches, listens and learns from the results. The results of any given race are the truth of the matter. And it is your job as a professional gambler to appreciate this fact and understand how this should, and must, direct your efforts, assessment for today and future. The past also helps detail the truth and foretell the future.

The Chameleon changes.

It just turned bright blue.


For example, horse racing. Your opinions should be based on answers to questions. It has nothing to do with your personal preference. You answer to the question (finding winners) is based on previous results. If you try to impose your thoughts without any basis you will lose. It is a blatantly easy approach but at the same time inextricably difficult.


Because so often gamblers lose track of what is important. They fall into old habits which are destructive, their views without objectivity or sense. Ego gets in the way of seeing the truth which stands solemnly before them.

Each and every winner and loser is trying hard to teach you a valuable lesson, if only you listen.

So often gamblers fail to learn. They are steadfast in their life of hard knocks. But they are the creator of their own destiny and often demise.

Have you ever stopped for a moment and asked: ‘What is the answer to the question?’

The Chameleon Professional Gambler knows they are a reflection of the results.

It is the answer to finding winners.

Horse Racing Social Media Influencers  In a world of social media the influencer in king.

There seems to be influencer coming from all angles. I just watched a YouTube video about an Ex-Prison Inmate Influencer selling online courses and reputedly making $3M a month. This bloke shouts abuse at people for failing and tells them they are idiots and weak. I get the feeling he should be in prison or most likely will be soon.

The problem with so many influencers is that, unlike say, a Betfred £50 free bet offer, which ‘is what it is’, you only have their word for success and that should be taken with a pinch of salt.

They always say conflict creates drama and I guess that makes for a good marketing campaign.

The squeaky wheel gets the oil.

I’m not up to speed with horse racing social media influencers to a point where I have an objective opinion. I’m sure you have an idea of one or two in mind but I wouldn’t like to say if they are fake or really do know something about the sport of kings, gambling or have something worth offering. I’m not sure if many in the UK sell anything and perhaps more interested in gaining a following to get a job on mainstream TV.

Many people are convinced these influencers are chancers.

It’s worth noting if you want to be a success you need to bring your followers to the party. Even publishers are looking to sign-up authors who have a large social media following. Clearly these kind of things didn’t happen in the old days. There may have been one of two with a newsletter but nothing reaching the dizzy heights of YouTube channels with millions of subscribers. Only Fans pages, which literally make millions a month. Mostly offering porn or virtual girlfriends. It’s a time of true disillusionment. The influencers, often with no skill beyond a big mouth and emblazoned personality, are now the new expert, when the majority are clearly a novice at heart. Also, they simply don’t give a toss about their subscribers or patrons. Many are without ethics or morals.

They sell a dream that turns into a nightmare.

In the UK, horse racing is a pretty small niche so influencers are not going to capture a giant share of the online market. Perhaps a few known faces have a couple of hundred thousand subscribers. They have put the work in and gained some aspect of fame (if that’s what you would call it). But will the horse racing industry accept more big names via social media platforms? Only time will tell. The gambling industry is a powerhouse with money to burn but it is still a small entity on the global stage. Poker players are probably the most high-profile gamblers on the internet betting vast sums of money and gaining lots of media coverage. The site of a wall of money or a mountain of chips after winning WSOP will always be a dream for many would-be poker players. The problem with so much social media is that there is no real proof of earnings, often little value in courses, coaching or masterminds. Too many no refunds or offers where there is no chance of failure (success is one like on an Instagram photo). I’ll sell you a pyramid scheme and you can sell to all your friends.

The gambling industry has a mix of characters. It seems that the more extreme the character the more likely they are to succeed. We used to consider John McCririck was a controversial character. These days he would look like one of the children from Little House on the Prairie. I’m waiting for the new wave of racing pundit to be hailed as a God from social media. They will have a million subscribers which they bring to ITV Racing. An ex-prisoner who regularly beats up his wife. Tattoos from head to toe. A mouth like a sewer and his airtime will be filled with bleeps and we’ll cheer as he shows his arse every time he tips a winner.

He’ll be the best paid racing pundit on TV.

Instead of being sent packing he’ll be forgiven of all sins. Hailed as a hero by a new generation of punters. Anything will be justified because he’s a money-making machine. He could kill someone and it will be taken as tomfoolery.

He’s started his YouTube channel today. Got his first subscriber. Give him a couple of years and it will be a million.

Watch this space.

His time has come.

I’ve just began reading Harry Findlay: Gambling For Life, written by Neil Harman, published in 2017 by Sport Media.

I purchased the book a long time ago, started to read it, and put it back on the bookshelf. It has nothing to do with the quality of the book but it wasn’t the right time. I guess those words would be familiar to Mr. Findlay – The Man Who Won Millions And Spent Every Penny.

So far I have read the acknowledgments and introduction: The Alchemist.

I have about 350 pages to go.

I’ve never met Harry Findlay in person. I used to question whether I would want to be in his company. That sounds critical but it’s not meant to be. He’s very much an alpha male and extrovert whereas I am an introvert.

They say oil and water don’t mix.

My impression of Harry Findlay was formed from watching him on TV. He has always been larger than life but in a gambling world of opinions perhaps the person with the loudest voice gets their views heard first and last. Since the publication of his book follows a devastating loss and almost financial ruin I wonder what man he is today. Perhaps he is a little quieter. I hope he hasn’t changed at all. If there’s one thing I like about a gambler, it’s someone who is confident in their opinions and worth. Most punters really don’t have much to say and what they do say doesn’t often make any sense or have substance.

Perhaps I would enjoy the company of Mr Findlay. I may need meet him in an Indian restaurant to keep him quiet as he goes through his chicken vindaloo, although he may well talk with his mouth full.

After reading many professional gambler books I am looking forward to reading the full warts and all version of Harry Findlay.

As Terry Ramsden once said: ‘There’s been plenty of people who have gone through their money.’

Dave Nevison wrote: No Easy Money: A Gambler’s Diary.

I’m noticing a theme here. I say that tongue-in-cheek because every gambler has good and bad times.

Harry Findlay said he has been skint many times. And the best judge for a gambler worth his salt is one who comes back from the brink.

I’m looking forward to finding out more.